Photography Pricing
Mini Shoots (Vary - To stay up to date when I am offering mini shoots follow my Facebook page or sign up for email updates) (Varies $20-$80)

Regular shooting (Family, Event, Portrait, Headshots. Etc.)
$200 - first hour
$100/hour after
(Comes with all digital images)

Weddings - (I shoot with another photographer)
$300/hour for 2 shooters
(Comes with all digital images)

Product Photography
To become an affiliate company please contact me for product photography.

I am constantly asked why I named my business His Life... From the minute I picked up my camera and started pursuing photography and still to this day, I can't take credit for anything but composition and playing with lighting. All the beautiful things I see through my lens, whether it be nature, a smile on a child, a family laughing (Or sometimes aggravated due to the stress of family pictures), I can't help but find it all beautiful and thankful I get to capture it. Photography makes me find beauty in everything, Everything you see is how I look at things, but I couldn't do it, if He didn't create it first :).

"Let me capture His Life, through your life." :)